Think ‘Village’.

At Irvington Connect we ignite our community to thrive by connecting neighbors through activities like walks, meeting for coffee, book clubs, and game nights. Our mission is to foster local community relationships that enrich lives and make social isolation a think of the past.

Just 3 easy steps!

  1. Fill out the profile page
  2. Post an activity on the calendar
  3. Respond that you would like to attend an activity!

It’s that easy!

Choose one of these activities to post:

(Or come up with your own ideas!!!)

  • Go for a walk with a group
  • Go for a walk with just one person
  • Go for a walk with or without dogs
  • Art studio open house (sell locally!)
  • Art classes (charge money for it!)
  • Host a weekly ‘Artists Way’ group
  • Get together to explore certain topics
  • If you’ve retired from a career, host a gathering to share your knowledge
  • House or porch concerts
  • Host a weekly writers group
  • Picnics in the park
  • Clothing or toy swaps
  • Block parties
  • Post a ‘Build A Barn’ event (look below for more information)
  • Gardening groups (one idea is to swap tomatoes for squash for example)
  • Post an event to let neighbors know about a skill, trade, or business that you offer for a fee such as massage, accounting, computer help, etc. etc.

©2024+ Kimberli Matin, all rights reserved Terms / Policy

A social connection website just for Irvingtonians!

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